South Africa is a country second to none, with some of the world’s most spectacular national parks; a true multicultural experience that combines many different traditions, foods, and languages, as well as some of the
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Common Disease That Travellers Need To Vaccinate Against
Travelling around the world is a prospect that’s never been easier thanks to modern transportation, and it’s now possible to jump from one continent to another with relatively little effort. Nothing is ever quite as
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Island Get-Aways You Need To Go To!
Oceans as clear as a bathtub, sandy-white beaches for days, sun-kissed skin and gentle breezes… If this is what you’re looking for in a holiday, then a get-away to a tropical island is definitely something
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3 Tips To Avoid Getting Sick While Traveling
There’s nothing quite so disappointing as planning an amazing holiday and falling ill just as you reach your destination. Unfortunately, this happens all too often and for a number of reasons. One that is quite
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Top 5 Tourist Attractions In South Africa
There is a lot to see in South Africa. So much, in fact, that would-be travellers may just have difficulty deciding. That’s why we decided to make a list of our top 5. Though, it
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The Cheapest Of Methods Of Travelling Internationally
Travelling for long periods of time is one of the most daunting ideas for most people almost entirely because of how much it would cost. There’s no denying that international flights can quickly add up,
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The Best Lighthouses To Visit
There is something endearing about lighthouses. They are symbols of safety, of guidance, and even of hope, and yet they also can be icons of solitude or loneliness, which is often highlighted by the dramatic
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Top Unconventional Honeymoon Destinations
Honeymoons are just the best, aren’t they? Breaking away to some far-off and usually exotic destination in the company of the one you love the most. But forget about beautiful Santorini and even the Swiss
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What You Need For Travelling Long-Term
Travelling out to a different part of the country for a few days is not a big deal, and it’s relatively easy to pack up everything you need and go. But for those that intend
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