Top Tourist Scams at a Glance

Top Tourist Scams at a Glance

It is unfortunate to say, but scams are becoming more common across the world and tourists are generally the preferred targets. Tourists are the perfect victim for any thief or scam artist as they are

It is unfortunate to say, but scams are becoming more common across the world and tourists are generally the preferred targets. Tourists are the perfect victim for any thief or scam artist as they are typically unaware of local culture and laws, it’s never more important to be vigilant than when you are in a place you don’t know.

It is sad to consider this a reality is some of the most beautiful parts of the world, but it is a reality any tourist must be prepared for and able to thwart. The best way to avoid a scam is to know what to be prepared for and to be extremely vigilant.

Fake Police

One of the most common and often most concerning scams is the scam artists posing as fake police to steal or extort from tourists. The thieves will dress in a uniform which could be passable as police, unfortunately not being native to the area, most tourists do not actually know what the real police uniform looks like.

The fake police will often patrol airports or tourist destinations, demanding to see a passport and wallet or to search your bags. Whether it’s a perceived bride or outright stolen, it’s never a nice time losing money to impersonators.

The best way to deal with the situation is to remain calm and offer to go to the closest police station for verification. If they try to prevent you from going to a police station, the likelihood is that you are dealing with fake police. The best course of action is to walk away and try to move to a crowded area as quickly as possible, even causing a scene if necessary.

Fake Police Scam

Help at ATMs

This is a common scam in poorer countries and very worth keeping a close eye on. Scam artists will try to impersonate bank employees, claiming something is wrong with an ATM and that they need to help you to use it. Often they will have an accomplice planted in line to agree and reassure you to this act. From there, the scammer will either make a clone of your card and see your pin, or just force you to draw out money and steal it.

The most important thing to remember is that nobody should ever help you at an ATM. If somebody offers to help you or says they need to show you something, do not accept and just walk away. Another ATM trick to keep a lookout for is card skimmers which are mounted to the ATM. If the ATM seems damaged at all or the card slot seems extra bulky, walk away, and find an ATM somewhere else.

Scams are Common

Scams of all natures are becoming more common everywhere you may go, so even if you’re looking to play MasterCard pokies at your home – be aware!

The most important things you can do is think logically, don’t be afraid to take the time you need to make a decision, and always confirm anything that doesn’t come from an official source. Scammers will rely on quick action, leaving you flustered and unable to make a wise decision.